Etheria: Tale of the Queen of Whores (Work in Progress)

And here it comes. We started the devellopment of our first RPG.

About the pictures and character use, we must make something clear right away: This is not the definitive design. We used quickly made 3D stuffs as placeholders for the definitive design so we can start develloping the game but this is not gonna be about Elsa. This is not the definitive design, just placeholders we use for now.

We can't state this enough, this is gonna be an hentai game so the design and characters we use so far are just placeholders for devellopment, not the definive one.
This is gonna be a 2D RPG develloped on RPG maker. We're curious to discover this plateform so we gonna try and see what we can get out of this awesome video games framework.

The story:
Etheria, end of the second age. As war rage between Etheria and the creatures hordes, a young soldier, surviving to a deadly battle find a young baby girl in the ruins of the nearby village. Her whole family being slaughtered by the creatures, he take the girl, named her Lila and bring her to his brother, so he can take care of her while he goes back to the battlefields as King Pervor access the throne of Etheria.
20 years later, the war end, the third age start. The young soldier now become an old veteran goes back to his village, finding the baby he left 20 years ago, who now have became a young woman and finally goes back to his farm with his new found step daughter.


Game time, a living environment - A day in game gonna be devided in 4 periods. Morning, Day, Evening and Night. NPC's have schedule, the world gonna change according to the period of the day. Some can be found only at night, other can be found at different location depending on the period. Etheria is a living environement.

Weather system - Etheria have a changing weather. Careful when you fight outside in the middle of a thunderstorm, you can be blinded. Careful when you're exploring colder area, choose appropriate outfits to stay warm ...

The Queen of Whores - Play as Lila, discover and explore the open world of Etheria and goes through the main story, explore many side quests, npc's stories and more ...

Choose your path, use force or sex - Sex can be used instead of force, but it comes with a price. Keep an eye on Lila's cum level or her horniness gonna raise, and with it her addiction to sex. If her addiction got out of control, she gonna be enslaved and disappear. You can choose to fight, but be careful, nobody's knows what happened to defeated women. Choice comes with consequences ...

Love and Attraction, living NPC's - Each NPC's have a love and attraction level to Lila. Their reactions depends on those levels. You can use attraction to get discount at a store, or start romance with a character using love level, getting access to unique quest on that character.

Reactive NPC's - NPC's react to what you do. Wear skimpy clothes, they would notice it and react. Don't wash cum off you, they will notice it and react. All npc's in the game are living reacting characters.

Constant dev, keeping the game alive - Basically, we have no deadline on content in the game or when we gonna stop develloping it. We gonna keep develloping, adding quests, new stories, new features and more contents, keeping the game alive, changing, and develloping the world and universe of Etheria basically until we all get bored :p

Hope you gonna like it, we'll keep you updated and post a (very) early alpha as soon as we can so you can take a look at the features of the game (Premium only)

Until then, enjoy ;)


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