
Showing posts from March, 2019

Elsa throat fucked - Extra Angle (Patreons only)

And as usual, here a little extra content for our premiums members :) Enjoy

Elsa throat fucked

Get it on MEGA

Elsa sucking it - Extra angle (Patreon only)

And as usual, a little bonus for our Patreons Enjoy ;)

Elsa sucking it

Hey my friends, One of our followers on twitter suggested to remove the sound so there it is. Animation without the background music. Feel free to let us know what do you think Enjoy ;) Get it on MEGA

Elsa stroking hard - Bonus angle (Patreon only)


Elsa stroking hard

Get it on MEGA

New short animations series coming soon

And yes my friends, As you're waiting for the very first alpha of Etheria and the release of our first 3D model, I started setting up a new environement for the next series of short animations. This one is gonna be about Elsa doing naughty stuffs in a prison First animation coming soon, enjoy ;)

First model started

Hey there my friends, So didn't I tell you something big was coming? :p There it is, I started working on our first very own model! :D This is gonna be a cross work between three software. The general shape and texturing is gonna done between Realusion Character Creator 3 and DAZ3D Studio. And the final detailing, finishing touchs and texturing gonna done with blender. I'm basically discovering those software as I work on the model, and this is the first time I'm gonna mesh a humanoid model, so I can't give you an official date of release but I'll keep you posted on the progress. Enjoy :)

D.Va taking it deep - Extra angle (Premium only)


D.Va taking it deep

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D.Va analyzed - Bonus angle (Patreon Exclusive)

Become a premium member to access this content:

D.Va analyzed - Animated

Get it on MEGA

D.Va analyzed


Working on the intro ...

Hey there y friends, I'm currently working on the intro of Ehteria. Here is a little teaser. Enjoy ;

D.Va fucked hard - Animated

Hey my friends. Sorry for the delay. Got some problem during rendering but it's fixed. Get it on MEGA Enjoy ;)

D.Va fucked hard

Hey there my friends. The render have started, so the animated version is coming soon :)

D.Va sucking hard - Animated

Get it on MEGA

D.Va sucking hard


D.Va getting naughty - Animated

Hey there my friends. As this series of animations was inspired by one of my twitter follower, the animations gonna be public. For you my fellow premium's, I have a surprise coming soon ... very soon ... ;) Until then, enjoy ;) Get it on MEGA

D'Va getting naughty

  Hey there my friends, As I know one of my twitter follower seem to be a fan of D'Va, I decided to do a series of naughty shorts animations to keep you waiting until the first release of Etheria. Here is a little preview, the animated version coming soon. Enjoy ;)

Trainer Green - "Riding hard" animated (Patreons Only)


Trainer Green - "Riding hard"


Harley Quinn - "Catching the Quinn" animated (Patreons only)


Harley Quinn - "Catching the Quinn"


Chrissy "On duty" - Animated (Patreon's only)


Chrissy - "On duty"


Moxxi "Wanna see me ride it?" animated (Premium Exclusive)


Moxxi - "Wanna see me ride it?"


Zoey nude animated - Premium members only

Image Zoey Nude Animated (Patreons only) #Porn #Nude #3D #EcchiH — EcchiH Games and Animations (@EcchiHGames) March 3, 2019

Stylized series - Hibiki

Hey there my friends, Here is a little treat to celebrate our patreon page being approved. We'll post the link for animated and colored version of them (Premium Members only) soon. Enjoy ;)

A little treat

A little treat to celebrate the new blog I'm gonna send a link to the patreon animated version as soon as our patreon as been reviewed. Enjoy xxxx

Join EcchiH

We're always looking for passionate creators to join EcchiH and create awesome porn contents for our fan. Currently, we're looking for: A Hentai/Sprite creator (2D and game CG) A game desinger (3D Hentai design. Props, building and Characters. Model and textures) A programmer (C#. Unity and RPG Maker) A writer (sorylines and quests) Money wise, it's fairly simple. We're accepting donations, commissions, support on Patreon or Picarto so all the incomes will be evenly distributed between us all. As simple as that. We're starting from scratch, the investment in time and energy is big but I hope I would be able to communicate enthisiasm and passion as we work together. If you're interested to join, contact us on and give us some example of your work, so we can have an idea of your creation. Hope to see you soon ;)

Support us on Patreon

Premium membership. The best support you can give us is to become one of our premium member on Patreon for 9,99$. For that price, you can get access to all premium member exclusive contents: Access to the full uncensored version of all the video games Get your own customized version of a game, with your name in the main menu (on demand). Access to the animated version of the pictures with sounds Access to the games CG and animated version of the CG Access to commisions You wrote the story. We're always listening to our fan opinion and suggestion.  Access to the EcchiH discord to chat and share with us. Access to all other gifts or idea we can have to pamper the EcchiH family  We'll try to bring you all the content we can and give you regular content to enjoy ;) Support us on

Disclaimer page online

Disclaimer I must point at the fact that my domain of expertise is not hentai creation. It's coding and animating. So I don't claim the property of the hentai I use to design this blog. The lovely girls you see on this page are the awesome creation of MG Render. Here is the link to his website: So go discover his super hot creation and don't hesitate to support his work.